Time For A Break

From my coffee drinking station…

This has been a tough time for many reasons.  We’ve all struggled at times, but we have kept on.  We have hung in there!  For that I am truly thankful.

In this time of Covid my husband, Jim, is awaiting heart surgery to repair a leaky mitral valve.  It is looking good to be a successful repair, even though the timing is tricky right now.  In the mean time, Jim is feeling fine.

As you can imagine, all my focus and energy is on the right now in our home—making sure we keep safe and in good spirits.  So far so good!  So far so good!  Our mantra!

So this seems a good time to step away from the blog, and to take a bit of private time.  I wish you all well, and hope you will keep yourselves safe and in good spirits.

So far so good!


14 thoughts on “Time For A Break”

  1. Thinking of you and Jim. What can we do? How can we help? You do let us know, please. We are driving down to CA on Wednesday to pick up a few last pieces and handover the keys, back on 11/30.

    Hugs and love,

  2. I will think good thoughts for your husband’s surgery and recovery. And look forward to your return to blogging. Love, Del

  3. Am always so happy when I look at the art that I made in your classes. I am sending the joy as hugs back to both of you for a speedy recovery. These are such crazy times with a strong need to reach out to people that we love. Hung your gorgeous art so that I can see it from my sewing room. Saying prayers for Jim for a good working heart. XOJudy Isaacs

  4. Why didn’t I see this blog post before?! Well, better late than never. Maybe your husband has had his surgery by now, or maybe he is still waiting. Either way, I wish you both all the best and a speedy recovery for Jim! Not an easy thing to face on top of an already difficult time. I hope to see you here again when you feel like it. Take your time. Lots of love from the Netherlands.

  5. Oh gosh, I’m very late seeing this. I hope things are going really well and your husband is getting better. I know this is a tough, scary thing to deal with in a year that was already awash in tough and scary things. But medical science and the human body and the human spirit can do amazing things. I hope everything is on a very good path. I’ll be keeping big, good thoughts for you both.

    1. Your timing is perfect—Jim had his heart surgery last Friday, and it was a success. He is doing very well. In fact, he comes home tomorrow! There is healing and recuperation to do, but we have time, real time for that.

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