From my coffee drinking station…
Time to dust off this blog, refocus, make a plan, and begin.
I love taking pictures. I love letting them speak for me. I love looking at things, seeing them in a different light, or from a different point of view, and then I love sending them to my kids and friends. A glimpse of the day!
I have been wrestling with how to use this blog in a meaningful way, in an enjoyable way, and still learn something for myself. So I am going to practice seeing, snapping pictures, and posting them here. I intend to explore and broaden my own vision and sense of composition, and SEE.
Fewer words, unless I just can’t help myself. No particular theme, unless one shows up… just views, glimpses, and experimentation.
My goal is to post once a month, give or take. My practice will be to explore—random and eclectic, weird and wacky, quiet and meditative, color or not, identifiable or not. Play, see, capture.
So to begin, a few pictures from the past year or so to remind myself that the creative juices have been simmering even though I circled my wagons to cope with trying times.
You are welcome to come along for the ride! Cheers!