Fair Thee Well

It’s that time…

One of my basic beliefs has been to trust to my own curiosity and instincts to find the path ahead.  Often it has looked like some weedy track that has been overlooked long enough.  But in one step I know it is the way for me.  My heart responds with ease, my mind and shoulders relax.   And so it is time to bring this blog to the end.

I breathe a contented sigh, and keep going—making, exploring, savouring, and expressing all that in some quietly mindful way.

Thank you to everyone who has come along for the ride, everyone who has watched paint dry with me, and listened to me think out loud.  It has done me good.  I hope it has been worthwhile for you too.

I wish you more adventures and the very best of…

Happy Trails,




A Snowy Morning

That was last week…

The snow is pretty much gone for the time being.  It hung around for a week or so, pretty, and complicated for delivery trucks.   We had planned a trek with our trailer to a nearby campground, but the snow surprised us and we had to cancel.  So we had a pleasant time at home watching the snow build up and blanket everything.
Our neighborhood birds have been enjoying the suet feeding stations, and I am enjoying watching them.  It has been a good time for quiet making.  And quiet reflection.

Here we are in the season of Holidays!  I am celebrating this year with a couple yarn advent calendars—little bundles of yarny goodness that I hang on the little tree.  And I am being so grown up in refraining from opening them all at once.

I hope you will take time out for quiet making and reflecting, for childish enjoyment, and for those little things that bring you joy and comfort—Savoring every moment, whether relaxing or frenetic (such as the holidays can be).  Blessings.

From my neck of the woods—Happy Holidays to you!