Best Laid Plans…

Thinking Out Loud,

Well, it took me one day to figure out that an imposed routine doesn’t work for me right now.

I can see that that has been generally my MO—set a plan and make myself follow it with discipline and the knowledge that “work” should feel like “work”.  My new work routine did feel like work, and I got a start, but it wasn’t enjoyable.  I wasn’t even going for the fun part, but I did want to enjoy “working”.  Trust  me, over the years work has been fun, challenging, engaging, exciting, difficult—all that good stuff.  But change happens and time passes.

I guess I want something else now.

Yeah, one of those would be really good, too.

Anyway, by bedtime, after following my new work routine, and after setting a plan for the next work day, I ached all over, felt a bit bummed, and was definitely NOT looking forward to doing it all again the next day.  I wondered–what the heck is the matter with me?  This isn’t how I want to feel.  This isn’t how I want my work to feel.  This isn’t how I want each day to be.

I had an epiphany.  I really did.  I announced to Jim (my hubby)–because I figured he should know it too– I am retired!   At first he looked at me like  I had skipped a beat, then we both had a good long laugh…(I retired nearly 2 years ago, but I guess it has taken a while to sink in…)

Here’s what I think about it today…I don’t want to work to accomplish something, I want to savor something—my process, my experience, my expression.  I want to play!  Pure and simple.

I feel light hearted about the whole thing.  I feel like playing with the same stuff I have been working with, but with a different attitude.  There is no road map for that, no logical following the scientific method, no agenda, no commitments or schedules.  But there is curiosity, lots of it.  I wonder what will happen if I…?

Anyway, I’m retired from the business, not the art making.  I know, duh…

10 thoughts on “Best Laid Plans…”

  1. C. I have learned with retirement that every day is Saturday and I can do anything I want to do not HAVE to do!! So I do my art when I please and now I enjoy it a lot more than I used to. Hang in there girlie because retirement should be fun!!.

  2. Being retired I love the “what if..” And that’s how a series begins! I make the rules ( as I go along)! Don’t like it, don’t do it! Having fun, do more! My rules my way!😄

    1. Thank you, Del! The basket is from the Carolinas, a present from my husband, Jim. We gathered those stones from many agate searches on the Oregon coast, and Jim polished them in his ancient stone tumbler thingy. A California student gifted me the engraved stones many moons ago.

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